Question 6: What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During the process of producing my film, I have learnt more about the use of digital video camera. I have learnt that the angle and steadiness of the camera has a big impact on the shot. I improved on this by learning how to use a tripod to make sure all the shooting was accurate. We used a panning shot during this part of the video. The fact that we had learnt how to use the tripod really helped us to set it at the right angle and follow the actor as he ran past.
When editing our film I learned how to use Adobe Premiere Elements programme to cut the clips, add effects, transitions and titles. I benefited well from learning how it works because it will help me build progression on work throughout the course. The programme also allowed us to add effects, such as fade in and black and white. We used the black and white effect for the flashback shots, so that it made it clear when was past and when was present.
We use Blogger to post all of our work on, so that it can be marked. Our blogs enable the teachers to look at all our work and give us feedback. This has helped me to improve on all my work and planning for my thriller. Blogger also allows us to add YouTube videos, which means that all the films we make or clips that we relate to can be included in our posts. YouTube has been very helpful during the process of constructing our thriller, because it allows you to watch any videos for free, which meant that I could use other thriller films and get inspiration from the different ideas and shots.
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