Wednesday 10 November 2010

Thriller Film Audience Research

What I want to find out:

- The audience's expectation's of independant/mainstream film
- What type of thrillers teenagers prefer
- What music is scary/tense
- What teenagers are scared of
- What storyline would appeal to them

How I am going to find out:

- Questionaire
- Interviews with film clips/posters
- Interviews with music clips
- Interviews with pictures/fim clips or questionaire.
- Give examples of story lines to find out what they prefer

What I expect to find out:

- I might expect to find out that people around the certificate age of 15 haven't seen many independent films, therefore don't have much expectations. I would think that for mainstream films, they would expect to see good actors, locations, and special affects.
- they might enjoy action, british gangster thriller? Although I would expect girls and boys views to be different.
- Jumpy or tense music
- I would expect real life situations and villans to be something that might scare the audience
- I think everyone will have different opinions on what storyline they prefer, but again I think that anything realistic would appeal to them.

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