Wednesday 16 March 2011

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

I worked in the same group for my preliminary task than my thriller opening. I think that working on our preliminary task helped us to pick up ideas and tips for our thriller. For example, the main aim of our preliminary was to include certain shots and this definitely improved our confidence of using a camera and tripod for the shooting of our thriller. We used shot reverse shot in our preliminary task as we were told to do, and also included a few close up of facial expressions which involved zooming on the video camera. We also used close ups in our thriller and we were much more used to doing this with help from our preliminary task.

There was a lot more research and planning involved for our thriller and that differed from our preliminary task. However we learnt how to plan out our filming using storyboards during our preliminary task. We drew out different shots of our films and wrote down what was going on in each part of the scene. This was useful and helped us in our production of our thriller by following through all our planning.

The fact that I was working with Holly in the preliminary task helped us to get used to working and planning our films together. So when it came to making our thriller, we were quite well organised with our research, planning and construction of the film. Also I think it worked well having a small group of just two people because it meant that we could communicate and listen to each other easily without getting too disorganised.

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