Friday 25 March 2011

Our film is an independent thriller and a lot of our ideas and thriller conventions were influenced through other films. For example Essex Boys, which is also an independent film and Memento, which uses flashbacks and is a psychological thriller. The main sub-genre of our film is the British Gangster style. It also has aspects of a psychological thriller because it particularly includes mystery and suspense. We have aimed our film at audiences from age 16 to 24 who enjoy independent thriller films. From our research we found out that from all the people we asked, a range of them enjoyed independent films. The type of people that will appeal to our independent film are those who respond to individuality. The unusual storylines and different actors create mystery that hopefully appeals to our target audience. Our audience will get pleasure from our thriller because of it's independency, as they like to see themselves as independent. Other films that our audience enjoy are independent thrillers such as Dead Man's Shoes, which relates in many ways to our thriller opening and the fact that they will enjoy films like this means that certain aspects of our film will also bring pleasure to our audience. The locations we used in our filming included the use of city areas. We thought that this would appeal particularly to youths because it focuses mainly on a similar age group and relates to real life situations that could occur. Some of the locations, (the one on our poster in particular) represents a dark part of the city where drug dealing takes place. By including this image on our poster, we thought that it would appeal to our target audience, so that they can get an idea of how our film will grab their attention. In our thriller we also used locations such as a garage. This relates to the claustrophobic aspect of thrillers, and the spacing and lighting helps to build tension. We hoped that this would appeal to our audience because small spaces are commonly used as a place where action or violence takes place. The social group involved in our storyline represents a gang of young criminals. Our target audience may not be similar to this lifestyle but they should be able to identify with the main characters because of similar ages and the fact that the film is from Archie's (the main character) point of view. This will be able to help the audience put themselves into the situation and relate themselves to the storyline. In our poster it shows a shot of Archie dressed in a hoody and jeans which represents a lot of young people these days. We constructed a narrative of our film by specifically focusing on Archie, who is the main character. We thought that this would help our audience to follow the storyline and identify themselves with Archie. The flashbacks of the murder focus on that certain event within the story, so the narrative is created by telling the background story. In our poster we included the quote “Tense and Gripping”. We wrote this on our poster so that it would appeal in more ways to our target audience. This would attract a larger audience if they knew that it was the type of thriller that strongly grabbed their attention throughout the story. The genre of our film will help appeal to a larger audience. We hoped that the detective aspects of our opening will relate to many other things that the audience enjoy. It create a sense of order out of chaos, so therefore a wider audience could enjoy it.


  1. Good on how you are appealing to the audience but tell me more about the audience.

    What other texts do they enjoy?

    What other pleasures will they get from your film?

    Have you done any research this year to indicate the kind of audience that would enjoy this film?

  2. Good - your added comments identify why your audience enjoys independent film and you have also explored thoroughly and thoughtfully how your audience will identify with the central character.
