Friday 1 April 2011

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our thriller film, our storyline only inludes male characters which means there are no female actors involved in our opening, so this creates a very male dominated genre. We didn't intend on omitting female social groups, it was just that male characters were well fitted to our storyline. The males in our film are all represented as gang members which suggests the type of people that are criminals.

Youths are also represented in this was because our film is also fairly youth dominated as two of our active characters are young 20s and the is around the age of 30. We don't have a proportional representaion of society because all characters are a similar age. Similarly, we only did this because it was convenient to use the actors we did and because it fitted well into our thriller as a reprentation on youths. I think the way we have portrayed our characters is a stereotypical view on teenagers and young adults. Their hoodies and jeans reflect their criminal ways therfore these characters do not represent all of youth society.

Our film also has a representation of family as a social group. It is one our the main themes in our film, because the whole storyline is based around it. The storyline enforces the importance of family, as the aim of our main character is to get revenge of the man that killed his twin brother. This suggests their love and  closeness for family and friends.  

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