Thursday 7 April 2011

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our thriller film is probably best shown through YouTube which is a free video sharing website. This would be the best way to share our film as student film makers as it targets a wide audience of different age, gender and culture. Our target audience which is 16-24 year olds, aren't very likely to pay to watch our film, therefore YouTube is probably the best place. Also it will allow the audience view for free and give any feedback they wish to. Our thriller could also be put up on streaming sites, which is similar to YouTube and means that we wouldn't make a profit out of it, but would allow a lot of views.

However as film makers our film is independent and low budget, and therefore would probably be best exhibited in Art house theatres such as Cinema City. Because our film includes locations around Norwich, it would appeal and relate to audiences from this city. Also British independent films tend to do well in places like France and other European countries, so this would allow it to be globally viewed. 

If our film was to be distributed through home entertainment, I would think that it would appear on channels such as Film4, because it is usually the type of TV channel that would exhibit indepedent films. If it was to be distributed professionally, I would expect the distributors to be ones such as Optimum releasing which distributed films such as Dead Man's Shoes. The films are similar so therefore would probably have the same techniques used for distribution and exhibition

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