Sunday 30 January 2011

Cinema Survival: Compare the ways in which Cinema City and Vue/Odeon attract audiences

Mainstream and independent cinemas attract audiences in different ways. It is now harder for all cinemas to get as much attention from an audience because of many reasons including the recession, DVDs, download and piracy. Another main reason for this is the invention of TV. Since the 1950s cinema audiences have decreased because of all the different channels, and films shown on television.

Vue and Odeon Cinemas are both mainstream cinemas, which means that the films they show are also mainstream. They include a large amount of cinema screens and almost a full schedule. This attracts all audiences from and age, gender or class because the films shown are so varied, and bound to suit almost everyone’s preferences. Odeon cinema and includes curtains, atriums and cut-outs, which adds to the “Hollywood” experience. This helps to attract audiences, as it gives everyone a fairly glamorous feeling. Vue and Odeon work to increase their audience’s by giving customers voucher that give money of the next film, which helps to keep them coming back. Also, the cinemas are both placed in the city and are easy to access with car parks not far from the area. Since the major release of Avatar, mainstream cinemas have recently put a lot of the screenings into 3D. The amount of new technology is definitely helping to improve the audiences.

Cinema City attracts audiences in similar and different ways. The fact that it is an Independent cinema means that they show mostly independent films and they get subsidy for showing European films by the company Europa. Cinema city also has a completely different environment. Instead of normal cinema seats, the screenings contain sofa seats and allow you to take wine and refreshments into the film. It also includes a restaurant area where you can eat meals, so it offers a bigger range of things to do other than watch films. Also some days they have screens for people to play video games, and occasionally hold opera evenings where the cinema is connected up to an actually opera show. These factors are important for cinema city, as it attracts a wide range or audiences. Similar to Vue and Odeon, Cinema City is located in the city centre, therefore is easy to get to, and has a small car park just around the corner.

In conclusion, the entire experience of the cinema is definitely worth it especially with all the new technology and other things involved. Although Independent and mainstream cinemas have different ways of grabbing the attention of their audiences, I think both ways work, and are very effective.

1 comment:

  1. You have looked a some of the differences in the venues and suggested ways that these appeal to audiences. You need to explore further the different ways in which the cinemas put together their schedules and how the films screened (you also need to state which films) appeal to different audiences.

    You also need to look at the appeal of 3D on audiences. As you say mainstream cinemas have started to rely on the 3D experience to attract audiences ... but also independent cinemas have installed digital projection for different reasons.
