Wednesday 19 January 2011

Preliminary task questions

What planning did you do? How was this useful, and how did you change from your planning?

When planning our preliminary task we created a storyboard in order to plan out which shots would come where and to help us plan out a storyline. I think this was an effective and useful way of planning, as it allowed us to remember exactly what are intentions were throughout the making of it, and reminded us of the different angles we wanted to use.

What camera skills have you developed? How confident are you with using cameras? And has this confidence changed during the project? Give details of specific camera skills/techniques you have developed and include areas where you lack confidence or need to improve?

I have developed the skill to establish the difference between camera angles, and how to use them. I feel quite confident when using a camera because I have my own, therefore am quite used to it. However I feel as if I have improved the way I control and use it. Now that I am aware of the different shots and angles, I can use the camera more effectively.

What editing skills have you developed? How confident are you with using the editing program? Give details of specific editing skills/techniques you have developed, and include areas where you lack confidence?

I had never used the program we used to edit our film, so the techniques we used were quite new to me. However I found it reasonably easy to adapt to it. The skills in editing that I have improved on are the ability to crop the clips and move them about in order for the film to run smoothly. I think I need to improve slightly when using the program, to make it easier for myself to navigate around and be able to edit correctly.

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