Sunday 2 January 2011

Findings for Research Project

How do you find out about the films you want to watch?

I asked 10 people both of my questionnaires, and the results showed that half of them find out about films by viewing trailers at cinemas. So therefore this is the most popular answer. The other ways that some of the interviewees learned about films was from Word of mouth, Internet Adverts and Magazines.  Which meant that from the group of people that I asked none of them heard about films from Posters, Radio, TV trailers more than any other. I also found that the people that heard about films through cinema trailers were on average younger than those that answered differently. This suggests that people of a younger age visit the cinema more often.

Which of these do you think is most effective?
For this question, most people again gave the answer of Cinema Trailers. For those that gave a reason said things such as: ‘They give the most information, and more of an insight to the film itself’ and ‘They show the best parts of the film to draw in the audience’.
Do you think your occupation or affects the films you watch? Or how many?
Most people said that there work did affect how many films they watch but not necessarily the type of films. All but one of the people that were in education suggested that the amount of work decreases the amount of films they watch.

Do you think your lifestyle affects the films you enjoy?
About half of the people said that there lifestyle doesn’t affect the films they enjoy at all.  Although most of the people I asked were probably from the same sort of culture and similar class. So their lifestyles probably weren’t all that different from one another. However I found that the ones that said it did affect them were the ones of an older age. Maybe this could be because they have had more experience of older films, or perhaps because they have young children.

How do you normally view films?
Half of the people I asked said that they usually view the films they watch on DVD.  Two people answered Cinema, and TV and one person answered Internet. Both the people that said they watched films in the cinema were both at college/sixth form. This suggests that this could be one of the reasons they go to the cinema more often, maybe because they are close to the city, or perhaps because it’s a good way to get together with school friends. The reasons for watching films on DVD varied. For example ‘If it’s on DVD you can watch it as many times as you want.’ And ‘it’s easy and possible at any time of the day.’

When do you usually watch films?
Most people said that they watched films in the evenings or weekends. This suggests that for anyone who is in education or employment, this is their only free time, as the person who was in no education or work put the answer ‘whenever’.

1 comment:

  1. Very well presented Hattie and some thoughtful analysis of your findings. Well done. This will be useful when evaluating the target audience for your own thriller.
