Sunday 5 December 2010

A brief Synopsis of the plot

In the opening to my thriller the main character has flashblacks to the time when his brother was murdered in a garage. Whilst we see him become distressed, the setting turns into his cellar where we see him plotting revenge using pictures and other kind of information.

In this British Gangster thriller opening, we will be using the idea of flashbacks from Casino Royale. Also we are using settings similar to Essex Boys because of the grey sky and claustrophobic spaces, with the use of a cellar. The flashbacks may be in black and white which relates to the film Momento, which also uses the same effect.

Our target audience will be hooked because the characters in the film are a similar age group, which could make it easier to relate to. Also we hope that the music we chose will help attract the attention of the audience because it will help set the mood of the storyline.

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