Wednesday 8 December 2010

Thriller Film Planning

Story boards


In the first shot we are going to use the location of the roof of the Castle Mall in Norwich. This is where he reminisces over the murder of his brother. We decided on this because we think that it relates well to the British gangster theme as it gives an idea of a typical English thcity, whilst showing shots of the grey, cloudy sky to also emphasize the setting of England. It relates to the thriller 'Essex Boys' in the way we will show the sky. Also it will be easy to get to because it is near to where we live.  Also in e scene afterwards we have decided to film the shots of him planning revenge in a cellar. Because the cellar is small, it makes the location seem quite claustrophobic which is common in thrillers. The flashback scenes are going to e shot in my garage, again because it is a small claustrophobic space which also relates to the beginning of  'Essex Boys' The cellar and garage are located in our houses,  so will be very convenient. We think that it will add tension to the opening of our thriller.

Photographs of cellar

Costumes, Props and Objects

As this is a British gangster thriller, we thought that hoodies, jeans, jackets and hats would be appropriate clothing for our characters. These costumes relate to other thrillers such as Bullet Boy and Kidulthood. Also in Essex Boys they were quite casual clothes - mostly jeans and jackets. So the idea also came from this. We will make sure that in the flashacks of the murder, the brother and murderer will also be wearing similar outfits, just to convey the fact that they may have been part of the same group.

We will use props such as:
- Chair
- Photo albums
- Table
- Phonebook
- Paper
- Pen
- Photo of murderer
- Gun
- One of the most important props is going to be a picture of the main character and his brother. This will help to show the relationship between these characters, and how they are connected.

The mise en scene will help to establish the type of character and their personality. For example, in the cellar where the brother plans his revenge on the murderer, the phonebooks, address books, pens, paper, photos etc are going to suggest that he is very determined to find the murderer in any way possible. However, when he gets angry and starts to push all these props onto the floor this will show how unstable and depressed he is about the death of his twin brother. Also the gun will definitely help to show how evil the gang leader is when he takes it out and points it at Nathan. It will bring out his character and suggest the type of things that the gang would have got into. Not only will the props help to do this but the costumes that they have on will hopefully also show what kind og people they are especially the leader. The black hoodie and black hat will help to convey the evil side of him.

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