Thursday 30 December 2010

Research Project into Film Audiences

For this project I would like to find out how there is a difference in marketing between independent films and mainstream films, and what type of marketing is most effective. Also I hope to find out more on the exhibition of films and what is most popular way of viewing films. I will attempt to find out more on this, by gathering data using questionnaires. The questionnaires will include both quantative so that I am able to count up the data and create graphs and charts to help with my results. I will also include qualitative in my questionnaires. This will allow the interviewees to write what they think, and also will help me to get an insight into people's personal opinions and views.

I also want to find out about the audiences of films. I would like to find out how people's difference in gender, age, culture or class may effect what kind of films they enjoy. This may help me to find out what kind of things to include in my thriller, to help attract the audience I am aiming for. To do this I will probably create another questionnaire, if not an interview. I think that collecting data from other people will be the best way to find out what I need to know about the audience's for different types of films.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very clear proposal showing you have clear understanding and aims of research.
