Thursday 9 December 2010

Characters and Castings


Archie is going to be our main character in the film. He was originally part of a gang with a group of his freinds until the murder of his brother. He is aged 19/20 and was very close with his brother, and was known for his bad reputation. The death of his brother forced him to turn his back on the gang once and for all, as one of them was the reason his brother died.  At the beginning of the thriller we will show how hurt and lonely he feels without his brother, and this will set the opening scene in an effective way.


Nathan is the brother of Archie and they are twins. In the gang he was the newest member and most innocent. This meant that he was always told what to do even though he wasn't comfortable with the decisions of the gang, although his brother was always there to look after him. Apart from one time. When Nathan refused to do a job for the leader of the gang, there were serious consequences, which resulted in his death.

Gang Leader/Murderer

In the opening of our thriller, you don't see much of the murderer, apart from the flashbacks. The fact that he is the leader of the gang, makes him have much more authority over the rest of the gang members. He is a very sly and serious character, and his gang is the most important thing to him. When it comes to the jobs and crimes they commit, he will do anything to get his own way. This leads to him murdering Nathan.


We decided to use my brother to play Archie, and because we decided Nathan is Archie's twin he played both of the brothers. There were some issues with this because, we are not yet sure how obvious it is that they are supposed to be twins, and are not just the same character. We thought that my brother Jack would be quite suitable because he is about the right age or a couple of years younger than what were looking for, but I think it will work well. Also it is convenient for us to use him, because it was easy to get hold of him at any time. It is the same reason with my Dad, as he is around at the time we want to film. My dad is going to play the murder and gang leader. He was originally supposed to be quite a lot older because he is more experienced and confident in committing crimes. However my Dad is probably slightly older than we would have prefered, but we didn't think it would be much of an issue if we dressed him up correctly.

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