Wednesday 1 December 2010

Preliminary Exercise Practise

My partner and I used a camera around school today to practise what sort of shots we are going to use in our final preliminary exercise. We decided that it would be a good idea to use close up shots of the cards when the two are playing cards. We decided to do this because it will make the game more tense as only the audience know what cards the other player has and who is going to win. When the two characters are walking in we are going to do an over the shoulder shot so you can't see this character until they have actually sat down at table. Also to keep the characters a mystery we have decided to film the other characters feet walking to the common room. Using these two ideas we can keep it a mystery from the audience who the characters are. Also its as if the other character doesn't know who they are playing which makes the game more exicting and tense as you don't know how the characters are going to react to each other. This is a video I found on youtube which helped me make sure I knew the main principles of the task and how to do them correctly:

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