Our thriller film is probably best shown through YouTube which is a free video sharing website. This would be the best way to share our film as student film makers as it targets a wide audience of different age, gender and culture. Our target audience which is 16-24 year olds, aren't very likely to pay to watch our film, therefore YouTube is probably the best place. Also it will allow the audience view for free and give any feedback they wish to. Our thriller could also be put up on streaming sites, which is similar to YouTube and means that we wouldn't make a profit out of it, but would allow a lot of views.
However as film makers our film is independent and low budget, and therefore would probably be best exhibited in Art house theatres such as Cinema City. Because our film includes locations around Norwich, it would appeal and relate to audiences from this city. Also British independent films tend to do well in places like France and other European countries, so this would allow it to be globally viewed.
If our film was to be distributed through home entertainment, I would think that it would appear on channels such as Film4, because it is usually the type of TV channel that would exhibit indepedent films. If it was to be distributed professionally, I would expect the distributors to be ones such as Optimum releasing which distributed films such as Dead Man's Shoes. The films are similar so therefore would probably have the same techniques used for distribution and exhibition
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Friday, 1 April 2011
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
In our thriller film, our storyline only inludes male characters which means there are no female actors involved in our opening, so this creates a very male dominated genre. We didn't intend on omitting female social groups, it was just that male characters were well fitted to our storyline. The males in our film are all represented as gang members which suggests the type of people that are criminals.
Youths are also represented in this was because our film is also fairly youth dominated as two of our active characters are young 20s and the is around the age of 30. We don't have a proportional representaion of society because all characters are a similar age. Similarly, we only did this because it was convenient to use the actors we did and because it fitted well into our thriller as a reprentation on youths. I think the way we have portrayed our characters is a stereotypical view on teenagers and young adults. Their hoodies and jeans reflect their criminal ways therfore these characters do not represent all of youth society.
Our film also has a representation of family as a social group. It is one our the main themes in our film, because the whole storyline is based around it. The storyline enforces the importance of family, as the aim of our main character is to get revenge of the man that killed his twin brother. This suggests their love and closeness for family and friends.
Youths are also represented in this was because our film is also fairly youth dominated as two of our active characters are young 20s and the is around the age of 30. We don't have a proportional representaion of society because all characters are a similar age. Similarly, we only did this because it was convenient to use the actors we did and because it fitted well into our thriller as a reprentation on youths. I think the way we have portrayed our characters is a stereotypical view on teenagers and young adults. Their hoodies and jeans reflect their criminal ways therfore these characters do not represent all of youth society.
Our film also has a representation of family as a social group. It is one our the main themes in our film, because the whole storyline is based around it. The storyline enforces the importance of family, as the aim of our main character is to get revenge of the man that killed his twin brother. This suggests their love and closeness for family and friends.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Our film is an independent thriller and a lot of our ideas and thriller conventions were influenced through other films. For example Essex Boys, which is also an independent film and Memento, which uses flashbacks and is a psychological thriller. The main sub-genre of our film is the British Gangster style. It also has aspects of a psychological thriller because it particularly includes mystery and suspense. We have aimed our film at audiences from age 16 to 24 who enjoy independent thriller films. From our research we found out that from all the people we asked, a range of them enjoyed independent films. The type of people that will appeal to our independent film are those who respond to individuality. The unusual storylines and different actors create mystery that hopefully appeals to our target audience. Our audience will get pleasure from our thriller because of it's independency, as they like to see themselves as independent. Other films that our audience enjoy are independent thrillers such as Dead Man's Shoes, which relates in many ways to our thriller opening and the fact that they will enjoy films like this means that certain aspects of our film will also bring pleasure to our audience. The locations we used in our filming included the use of city areas. We thought that this would appeal particularly to youths because it focuses mainly on a similar age group and relates to real life situations that could occur. Some of the locations, (the one on our poster in particular) represents a dark part of the city where drug dealing takes place. By including this image on our poster, we thought that it would appeal to our target audience, so that they can get an idea of how our film will grab their attention. In our thriller we also used locations such as a garage. This relates to the claustrophobic aspect of thrillers, and the spacing and lighting helps to build tension. We hoped that this would appeal to our audience because small spaces are commonly used as a place where action or violence takes place. The social group involved in our storyline represents a gang of young criminals. Our target audience may not be similar to this lifestyle but they should be able to identify with the main characters because of similar ages and the fact that the film is from Archie's (the main character) point of view. This will be able to help the audience put themselves into the situation and relate themselves to the storyline. In our poster it shows a shot of Archie dressed in a hoody and jeans which represents a lot of young people these days. We constructed a narrative of our film by specifically focusing on Archie, who is the main character. We thought that this would help our audience to follow the storyline and identify themselves with Archie. The flashbacks of the murder focus on that certain event within the story, so the narrative is created by telling the background story. In our poster we included the quote “Tense and Gripping”. We wrote this on our poster so that it would appeal in more ways to our target audience. This would attract a larger audience if they knew that it was the type of thriller that strongly grabbed their attention throughout the story. The genre of our film will help appeal to a larger audience. We hoped that the detective aspects of our opening will relate to many other things that the audience enjoy. It create a sense of order out of chaos, so therefore a wider audience could enjoy it.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Question 1: In what ways does your thriller use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real thrillers?
The thriller opening that we have constructed is based on a 'British gangster' style thriller. It is about the story of two twin brothers who are follow a gang full of criminals. The gang leader ends up murdering the main character's twin brother because he wasn't following his orders. Then Archie (the main character) starts planning revenge on the murderer.
One of our main influences was 'Essex Boys'. We tried to use the same British gangster sub-genre by following the same forms and conventions. For example, the dull grey weather represents typical Englishness and so we tried to choose a cloudy day to do our outside filming, and I thought it was quite successful. Also both Essex Boys and our thriller film are independent films and I think our use of locations helps to indicate this. Essex boys similarly follows the life of a young male protagonist, and although our film doesn't use voice over to help the audience identify with this character, we still hope to do this by our use of close ups and following panning shots.
In the opening we have created, we have included flashbacks of the time in which Nathan was murdered, to give details of the storyline. This relates to the thriller Momento, which also used this technique. It is a typicall thriller convention and was also included in Casino Royale at the beginning to help give background information to the audience. This is what we hoped to do with our use of flashbacks. Also our use of lighting helps to develop conventions of thriller. The scenes in the garage are fairly dark which is a common technique used to thrillers to create a tense feeling. The garage is also quite a claustrophobic area which again is a convention of thrillers especially Essex Boys again, which uses a car going through a tunnel which also uses limited space, which creates suspense.
The characters in our thriller opening the gang leader/murderer and the two twin brothers. The gang leader is a dangerous threatening character. We used my dad for this character, mostly because he was the most convenient person to use. This was the same case my brother who played both of the twins. We decided for my dad (the murderer and gang leader) to be dressed in jeans, black hoody and black hat. We thought this would help to bring out a criminal type character. My brother Jack, who acts as the main character Archie, and also plays Nathan (his twin brother) in the flashbacks. They also both dress in jeans and hoodies to show how they are also part of the gang.
We also hoped that the props we used add to the forms and conventions of thrillers. Our main prop was what the gang leader used to murder the twin brother. Most thrillers contain guns or another type of weapon. It adds suspension and a sense of danger and we hoped that this prop would help to build up the tension. We used other props such as pens, paper, photographs, and books etc. This was during the planning of the revenge. It helped to represent his organisation and determination of how much he wanted revenge. However, when he pushes everything off the table it conveys how unstable he is.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

The fact that I was working with Holly in the preliminary task helped us to get used to working and planning our films together. So when it came to making our thriller, we were quite well organised with our research, planning and construction of the film. Also I think it worked well having a small group of just two people because it meant that we could communicate and listen to each other easily without getting too disorganised.
Question 6: What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

when was present.

Sunday, 30 January 2011
Cinema Survival: Compare the ways in which Cinema City and Vue/Odeon attract audiences
Mainstream and independent cinemas attract audiences in different ways. It is now harder for all cinemas to get as much attention from an audience because of many reasons including the recession, DVDs, download and piracy. Another main reason for this is the invention of TV. Since the 1950s cinema audiences have decreased because of all the different channels, and films shown on television.
Vue and Odeon Cinemas are both mainstream cinemas, which means that the films they show are also mainstream. They include a large amount of cinema screens and almost a full schedule. This attracts all audiences from and age, gender or class because the films shown are so varied, and bound to suit almost everyone’s preferences. Odeon cinema and includes curtains, atriums and cut-outs, which adds to the “Hollywood” experience. This helps to attract audiences, as it gives everyone a fairly glamorous feeling. Vue and Odeon work to increase their audience’s by giving customers voucher that give money of the next film, which helps to keep them coming back. Also, the cinemas are both placed in the city and are easy to access with car parks not far from the area. Since the major release of Avatar, mainstream cinemas have recently put a lot of the screenings into 3D. The amount of new technology is definitely helping to improve the audiences.
Cinema City attracts audiences in similar and different ways. The fact that it is an Independent cinema means that they show mostly independent films and they get subsidy for showing European films by the company Europa. Cinema city also has a completely different environment. Instead of normal cinema seats, the screenings contain sofa seats and allow you to take wine and refreshments into the film. It also includes a restaurant area where you can eat meals, so it offers a bigger range of things to do other than watch films. Also some days they have screens for people to play video games, and occasionally hold opera evenings where the cinema is connected up to an actually opera show. These factors are important for cinema city, as it attracts a wide range or audiences. Similar to Vue and Odeon, Cinema City is located in the city centre, therefore is easy to get to, and has a small car park just around the corner.
In conclusion, the entire experience of the cinema is definitely worth it especially with all the new technology and other things involved. Although Independent and mainstream cinemas have different ways of grabbing the attention of their audiences, I think both ways work, and are very effective.
Vue and Odeon Cinemas are both mainstream cinemas, which means that the films they show are also mainstream. They include a large amount of cinema screens and almost a full schedule. This attracts all audiences from and age, gender or class because the films shown are so varied, and bound to suit almost everyone’s preferences. Odeon cinema and includes curtains, atriums and cut-outs, which adds to the “Hollywood” experience. This helps to attract audiences, as it gives everyone a fairly glamorous feeling. Vue and Odeon work to increase their audience’s by giving customers voucher that give money of the next film, which helps to keep them coming back. Also, the cinemas are both placed in the city and are easy to access with car parks not far from the area. Since the major release of Avatar, mainstream cinemas have recently put a lot of the screenings into 3D. The amount of new technology is definitely helping to improve the audiences.
Cinema City attracts audiences in similar and different ways. The fact that it is an Independent cinema means that they show mostly independent films and they get subsidy for showing European films by the company Europa. Cinema city also has a completely different environment. Instead of normal cinema seats, the screenings contain sofa seats and allow you to take wine and refreshments into the film. It also includes a restaurant area where you can eat meals, so it offers a bigger range of things to do other than watch films. Also some days they have screens for people to play video games, and occasionally hold opera evenings where the cinema is connected up to an actually opera show. These factors are important for cinema city, as it attracts a wide range or audiences. Similar to Vue and Odeon, Cinema City is located in the city centre, therefore is easy to get to, and has a small car park just around the corner.
In conclusion, the entire experience of the cinema is definitely worth it especially with all the new technology and other things involved. Although Independent and mainstream cinemas have different ways of grabbing the attention of their audiences, I think both ways work, and are very effective.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Preliminary task questions
What planning did you do? How was this useful, and how did you change from your planning?
When planning our preliminary task we created a storyboard in order to plan out which shots would come where and to help us plan out a storyline. I think this was an effective and useful way of planning, as it allowed us to remember exactly what are intentions were throughout the making of it, and reminded us of the different angles we wanted to use.
What camera skills have you developed? How confident are you with using cameras? And has this confidence changed during the project? Give details of specific camera skills/techniques you have developed and include areas where you lack confidence or need to improve?
I have developed the skill to establish the difference between camera angles, and how to use them. I feel quite confident when using a camera because I have my own, therefore am quite used to it. However I feel as if I have improved the way I control and use it. Now that I am aware of the different shots and angles, I can use the camera more effectively.
What editing skills have you developed? How confident are you with using the editing program? Give details of specific editing skills/techniques you have developed, and include areas where you lack confidence?
I had never used the program we used to edit our film, so the techniques we used were quite new to me. However I found it reasonably easy to adapt to it. The skills in editing that I have improved on are the ability to crop the clips and move them about in order for the film to run smoothly. I think I need to improve slightly when using the program, to make it easier for myself to navigate around and be able to edit correctly.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Changes in Planning
We decided to change the location of the cellar, because it was located out of the city therefore was difficult for our actors to reach the village. Also we found that the lighting in the cellar was quite dark so it made it more difficult to film. To avoid this problem we decided to film this scene in my garage which is also a location for one of the other scenes. To make the scenes look different, we changed the furniture around and tried to add a different atmosphere. Also the other garage scenes were flashbacks, so we are planning to change it to black and white which will also give the different scenes seperate effects.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Findings for Research Project
How do you find out about the films you want to watch?

Which of these do you think is most effective?
For this question, most people again gave the answer of Cinema Trailers. For those that gave a reason said things such as: ‘They give the most information, and more of an insight to the film itself’ and ‘They show the best parts of the film to draw in the audience’.
Do you think your occupation or affects the films you watch? Or how many?
Most people said that there work did affect how many films they watch but not necessarily the type of films. All but one of the people that were in education suggested that the amount of work decreases the amount of films they watch.
Do you think your lifestyle affects the films you enjoy?
About half of the people said that there lifestyle doesn’t affect the films they enjoy at all. Although most of the people I asked were probably from the same sort of culture and similar class. So their lifestyles probably weren’t all that different from one another. However I found that the ones that said it did affect them were the ones of an older age. Maybe this could be because they have had more experience of older films, or perhaps because they have young children.
How do you normally view films?

When do you usually watch films?
Most people said that they watched films in the evenings or weekends. This suggests that for anyone who is in education or employment, this is their only free time, as the person who was in no education or work put the answer ‘whenever’.
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